February 2021-Club Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting Agenda

February 11th, 2021    Zoom Virtual Club Meeting  started at 7pm

Idaho Off-Road 4×4 Club is an association of people brought together to share a single passion: Four Wheeling! We are a FAMILY oriented club dedicated to keeping our public lands open while practicing the policy of TREAD LIGHTLY!

Bells Of Shame:  “Yank Me”  Mark Bennett  “Prank Me” Wes Weidner   “I'm Broke”  Christian Dahlstrom  

                  I. Call to order –Justin Simms:  president@idaho4x4.com

                II. Sergeant at Arms – Maintains order in the room. There is a $1 charge for unnecessary disruptions.

             III. Roll call:  Members & Family:  23 members logged on.

             Visitors: Mike & Kathy Greenwell, Bridget & Jim Miller, Tim & Jeannette Adams, Will & Michelle Cooper.

               V. Vice President’s Report – Curt Blount: vicepresident@idaho4x4.com

Current member count – 59

             VI. Treasurer’s Report – Christian Dahlstrom: treasurer@idaho4x4.com

·            General Fund:  $11,959.77

·         Joe Aldape Land Use Fund:  $1200.00

·         Raffle Fund:  $3,844.30

·         Grand Total:  $17,004.07

           VII. Active and New Business

·         It’s that time of year when we need to begin thinking of who you’d like to nominate for the 2021 IOR Council.  Justin & Ginny will be stepping down from all of their positions. 

Nominations forPresident  Patti Evans, Vice President  Klint Breeding, Treasurer  Christian Dahlstrom, Secretary  Lisa Breeding (she would prefer not to do this, if someone would like to step up volunteer).

·         Club Membership Dues being accepted now until March 11th, after there will be a $10 late fee applied.  Club Member Dues are $30, New Member’s Dues $40 ($10 goes to the State Association).  Christian has been asked to send out emails to individuals who haven’t paid and thank you emails to those who have.  Pay using Pay Pal online, fee of $1.20 is added.

·         March 6th State Association Meeting being held, in person, in Twin Falls.  There is a run the morning (8am NE side of Perrine Bridge meet in dirt parking lot usually) of, but very tentative, as many may not like to do meeting in person.  Location:  Idaho Pizza at 1859 Kimberly Rd, Lunch at 12pm, Meeting starts at 1pm-3pm.  Zoom option will be available thanks to Micke Barnes from 1-3pm. 

·         3 Club Run, March 27th will meet in dirt parking lot at 8am across from Bruneau One Stop 45251 ID-51, Bruneau 83604.  Please RSVP on our website idaho4x4.com, click on event and RSVP at the end of the write up about the run. 

·         Rocket Run Planning Committee will begin meeting in February 18th, 2021 at 7pm via Zoom.  Insurance and permit have been organized.

         VIII. Education :  Dan Sullivan: Open/Closed, Rain/Snow, Where to Go?  (Dan not in attendance this evening)  Nathan, Justin, Glenn, & Klint all spoke about our cooperation with area law enforcement.  If anyone has been contacted to pull someone free from the snow, first find out where they are exactly, phone the local police and gain approval before even leaving your home.  Again, we as a Club stressed how important it is to know where you are at all times and stay clear of any areas that are groomed Snowmobile trails.  If you see others who are unsure of where they are, please, kindly educate them of the season and closures during the season.

             IX. Sunshine:  Ginny Simms:  sunshine@idaho4x4.com

•   Club sent a card to Dillon Assay, who lost his father last week.  Club sent a card to Marcy Sullivan, who recently lost a very close friend.  A congratulatory Amazon Gift Card was sent to Roger Nelson & Amy Shearn, who recently got engaged!

February Birthdays:  Jeff Palmer (2nd), Michael Shroll (9th). Esther Flynn (11th), Micke Barnes (12th), Curt Blount (13th), Justin Simms (17th), Richard Scott (20th), Ginny Simms (22nd).


IX.  WebMaster:  Micke Barnes:  webmaster@idaho4x4.com has volunteered to help the State Association broadcast the State Meeting via Zoom, March 6th from 1pm-3pm.  This will be a great asset for those who are more comfortable staying at home.    

X.      Land Use – Christian Dahlstrom     Spoke about the current upset in Moab, UT over Side by Side users and COVID 19 compliance/courtesies.  Easter Jeep Weekend had been cancelled due to many store owners and locals were concerned for the safety of their health, recreation areas and all out poor behavior.  Easter Jeep Weekend has been reinstated after much discussion in Moab.  Club Member, Mark Bennett will be down at Moab with a group of 8 camping at Sovereign (just south of town passing the old runway).  He offered to allow others to join his party, March 28th..

XI.    State Association:  Nathan White:  Spoke about the State Association Meeting in Twin Falls, March 6th.

XII. Previous Events:

·          Atlanta Run, hosted by Glenn Morgan & Christian Dahlstrom.  29 vehicles participated.

XIVTrips & Trails:

January 2022:            TBD Snow Run



February 2022:  (TBD)  Scenic Atlanta Run (hosted by Christian Dahlstrom)



March 2021:  

Trail:  13th Robie Creek Run w/BBQ (hosted by Christian Dahlstrom)

Rock/Trail:  27th  Multi-Club Run in Bruneau w/IOR Club Sponsored BBQ (hosted by Justin & Ginny Simms)

April 2021: 24th 7th Annual Chuck Coble Memorial Rocket Run


Trail: 3rd  2 Headed Dragon/Lost Trail Clean Up (hosted by Nathan White) meet at Dan’s Ferry at 9am.

May 2021:  15th Hwy CleanUp, Go Topless BBQ, Tech Inspection


Trial:  8th Snow Run at Warm Lake (hosted by Dan & Marcy Sullivan)

June 2021: TBD State Ride-n-Rally  (possibly another month this year, hosted by HDOR)



July 2021:

4th of July Campout June 25th to July 5th (Stanley? area TBD, hosted by Patti Evans & Glenn Morgan)



August 2021:                          



September 2021: 8-27 to 9-7-2021 Labor Day Campout Pen Basin CG



October 2021:  2nd   Hwy CleanUp/Christian’s Oktoberfest


Trail:  TBD Idaho City/Miner’s Grave

November 2021:


Trail:  TBD HDOR Turkey Run

December 2021:  IOR 4×4 Club Christmas Party, TBD, Christmas Party?



XV.           Upcoming Events – Ginny Simms/Patti Evans

·                  Ginny has called the State Parks & Rec for reserving the Lucky Peak Reservoir Park Shelter. 

XVI.      New Applicants Eligible for Vote: Jim Kokaly (Next Month Visitors up for Vote:  Jim Miller (Bridget), Tim Adams (Jeannette), Mike Greenwell (Kathy).

No Vote tonight, as Jim Kokaly didn’t attend/log into meeting tonight.

XVII.      Raffle:

Jan 2022:  Tony Eiguren                                  Feb 2022:  

Mar 2021: Chuck & Sharon Callahan             Apr 2021: 

May 2021:                                                        Jun 2021: 

Jul 2021:                                                                  Aug 2021:  Mark Bennett

Sept 2021:  Justin/Ginny Simms                       Oct 2021: 

Nov 2021 : Rob & Brenda Robinson                 Dec 2021: Michael Shroll

XVIII.   Next Meeting/Adjournment:

·            Council meeting:  March 4th , 2021-7pm via Virtual Meeting

·            Club meetingMarch 11th, 2021– 7pm possibly in person

·            Adjourned meeting at: 8:16pm