March 2021- Club Meeting Minutes
General Membership Meeting Agenda March 11th, 2021 Zoom Virtual Club Meeting started at 7pm Idaho Off-Road 4×4 Club is an association of people brought together to share a single passion: Four Wheeling! We are a FAMILY oriented club dedicated to keeping our public lands open while practicing the policy of TREAD LIGHTLY! Bells Of Shame: “Yank Me” Mark Bennett “Prank Me” Wes Weidner “I'm Broke” Christian Dahlstrom I. Call to order –Justin Simms: II. Sergeant at Arms – Maintains order in the room. There is a $1 charge for unnecessary disruptions. III. Roll call: Members & Family: 28 members logged on. Visitors: Mike & Kathy Greenwell, Bridget & Jim Miller, Will & Michelle Cooper, Daniel Rodriguez, Steve Pierce, Bob & Marylin Edmondson, Dillon Asay. V. Vice President’s Report – Curt Blount: Current member count – 59 VI. Treasurer’s Report – Christian Dahlstrom: · General Fund: $ · Joe Aldape Land Use Fund: $1200.00 · Raffle Fund: $3,844.30 · Grand Total: $ CHRISTIAN UNABLE TO PROVIDE UP TO DATE NUMBERS, DUE TO VOLUME OF DUES/DONATIONS FOR ROCKET RUN VII. Active and New Business · 2021 IOR Council Election is here! President: Patti Evans, Vice President: Klint Breeding, Treasurer: Christian Dahlstrom, Secretary: Lisa Breeding. All ran unopposed, all positions are as listed above. · Club Membership Dues being accepted without late fee of $10, after tonight will be a $10 late fee applied. Club Member Dues are $30, New Member’s Dues $40 ($10 goes to the State Association). If Club dues are not received by start of April 8th, 2021 Club meeting 7pm, you will no longer be considered an IOR member and have to go thru the application process to return to Member status. · March 13th, 10am, Planetary Discovery & Bonfire Run at Robie Creek. Hosted by Christian Dahlstrom. Please RSVP on the Club Website. Meet at 10am or 11:30am at the Robie Creek Dock. · Rocket Run Planning Committee will begin meeting in March 18th, 2021. (Via Zoom) In years past the club has voted to donate $500 towards additional Raffle Prizes. Will that be necessary this year? Club proposed only to use $500 if absolutely necessary. They will vote to make this official at next months council or club meeting. · 3 Club/All Club Run, March 27th, Bruneau Area. 8am meet at Dirt Parking lot across from Bruneau One Stop. There will be a couple people camping at the trailhead of Diff Hanger the night before and after the run. Rob Robinson/Dan Sullivan to help lead the Diff Hanger Run, Micke Barnes to help with Hooker Canyon Run, Nathan White to help with Gauntlet Run. We are hopeful that a Wild West Member will help lead the Scenic Run. · April 3rd 2 Headed Dragon/Lost Trail Clean Up. Nathan White will host. Meet at Dan’s Ferry at 9AM.
VIII. Education : Dan Sullivan: Spoke to the Club about Night Time Land Navigation. Dim your lights for on coming trail traffic, keep in mind the light on the horizon is from the Glow of Nampa (heading North), travel with extra supplies if you get stranded, never travel alone, wait for the person behind you when making a turn, tread lightly go slow enough to be certain you’re on the trail. IX. Sunshine: Ginny Simms: • Harvey London & Ginger Pearson became a Grandparents, with the arrival of their first Grandson (Grayson Michael) on Feb 24th. The club sent out a couple of Sympathy cards to some individuals who lost loved ones during Feb/March. Dianna & Steve Magstadt continue to heal from a terrible care accident they were in. March Birthdays: Sara Debord (1st), Robert LaMont (1st), Jessica Arnold (3rd), Louis Keller (3rd), Jeff Davidson (5th), Dianne Dahlstrom (7th), Wes Weidner (12th), Nathan White (13th), Ron Poulin (16th), Rodney McPherson (20th), Bernadette Underwood (29th).
IX. WebMaster: Micke Barnes: Helped provide a successful State Association Zoom Meeting! Thank you, Mickey!!! X. Land Use – Christian Dahlstrom Spoke about the current upset in Moab, UT over Side by Side users and COVID 19 compliance/courtesies. Easter Jeep Weekend had been cancelled due to many store owners and locals were concerned for the safety of their health, recreation areas and all out poor behavior. Easter Jeep Weekend has been reinstated after much discussion in Moab. Club Member, Mark Bennett will be down at Moab with a group of 8 camping at Sovereign (just south of town passing the old runway). He offered to allow others to join his party, March 28th.. XI. State Association: Nathan White: Spoke about the State Meeting and the Northern Idaho Trail Blazers getting some of their trail reopened after they were illegally closed by private owners and state. They were reopened because there happened to be a county road that ran thru the property and the State and Private owner were in the wrong for closure. XII. Previous Events: · State Association Meeting. 5 IOR Club Members attended in person, 2 on Zoom. XIV. Trips & Trails: January 2022: TBD Snow Run Rock: Trail: February 2022: (TBD) Scenic Atlanta Run (hosted by Christian Dahlstrom) Rock: Trail: March 2021: Trail: 13th Robie Creek Run w/BBQ (hosted by Christian Dahlstrom) Rock/Trail: 27th Multi-Club Run in Bruneau w/IOR Club Sponsored BBQ (hosted by Justin & Ginny Simms) April 2021: 24th 7th Annual Chuck Coble Memorial Rocket Run Rock: Trail: 3rd 2 Headed Dragon/Lost Trail Clean Up (hosted by Nathan White) meet at Dan’s Ferry at 9am. May 2021: 15th Hwy CleanUp, Go Topless BBQ, Tech Inspection Rock: Trial: June 2021: 12th State Ride-n-Rally (possibly another month this year, hosted by HDOR) Rock: Trail: July 2021: 4th of July Campout June 25th to July 5th (Stanley? area TBD, hosted by Patti Evans & Glenn Morgan) Rock: Trail: August 2021: Rock: Trail: September 2021: 8-27 to 9-7-2021 Labor Day Campout Pen Basin CG Rock: Trail: October 2021: 2nd Hwy CleanUp/Christian’s Oktoberfest Rock: Trail: TBD Idaho City/Miner’s Grave November 2021: Rock: Trail: TBD HDOR Turkey Run December 2021: IOR 4×4 Club Christmas Party, December 11th. Rock: Trail: XV. Upcoming Events – Ginny Simms/Patti Evans/Marcy Sullivan · Ginny has reserved the Lucky Peak Reservoir Park Shelter for the Hwy CleanUp BBQ, Tech Inspection, & Topless Event. · Ginny sent an email to Boise National Forest Rangers to request a permit for out Labor Day Campout at Pen Basin Campground from August 27th to Sept 7th. · Ginny has began the contract with Riverside Hotel for our Club Holiday Event, December 11th. XVI. New Applicants Eligible for Vote: Jim Miller, Tim Adams, Bob Edmondson, Mike Greenwell. Tim Adams was not in attendance tonight. Unanimous Yes Votes for Jim Miller, Bob Edmondson, & Mike Greenwell. Club Now Has: 62 members. XVII. Raffle: Jan 2022: Tony Eiguren Feb 2022: Mar 2022: Apr 2021: Chuck & Sharon Callahan May 2021: Jun 2021: Jul 2021: Aug 2021: Mark Bennett Sept 2021: Justin/Ginny Simms Oct 2021: Nov 2021 : Rob & Brenda Robinson Dec 2021: Michael Shroll XVIII. Next Meeting/Adjournment: · Council meeting: April 1st , 2021-7pm via Virtual Meeting or In Person (TBD) · Club meeting: April 15th , 2021– 7pm possibly in person, new location in progress. · Adjourned meeting at: 8:47pm |