Two Headed Dragon and Lost Trail

Vehicle Requirements: Lost Trail: stock or better, tow points front and rear. Is there a club member that would be willing to lead the entire Lost Trail? If so, please post up. If not, we will run Lost Trail out…

3ClubRun: Trail, Rock, & Buggy

Joint club run with High Desert Off Road and Wild West Off Road. Three trails-Easy (Hooker Canyon), Medium (Diff Hanger), Hard (Gauntlet/Boulder Dash). We will meet at the Chevron on Airbase Road in Mountain Home. Rig requirements: Hooker Canyon: Stock or…

Spring Hwy Cleanup & Go Topless Day & BBQ & TechInspect

Albertsons - Federal Way, Boise, ID 6560 S. Federal Way, Boise, ID, United States

» Meet Up » Clean Up » Eat Up » TechInspect ... Up? Come join us.  Come see why we're your kind of Jeep-people. --Jeeple    

Rock Run

Dan's Ferry 1984 Highway 45 S, Melba, ID, United States

Hemingway Butte trails, TBD closer to time and what rigs are going. Rig requirements- 35s, two lockers, front and rear tow points, and a Can Do attitude.
