February 2020- Club Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting Agenda

                                                February 13th, 2020    Called to Order at:  7:00pm

Idaho Off-Road 4×4 Club is an association of people brought together to share a single passion: Four Wheeling! We are a FAMILY oriented club dedicated to keeping our public lands open while practicing the policy of TREAD LIGHTLY!

Bell Of Shame:  ____ “Yank Me” –  William Hellwig  ___      “I’m Broke”  Christian Dahlstrom  

                  I. Call to order –Justin Simms:  president@idaho4x4.com

                II. Sergeant at Arms – Maintains order in the room. There is a $1 charge for unnecessary disruptions.

             III. Roll call:  Visitors: 9   Members & Family:  30

Visitors:  Bill & Natalie, Raleigh Varnell, Heather & Nathan Galvin (previous members), David D. Wayne, Chris Townsend, Brett Calhoun, Jennifer & TJ Freeman, Raffi Kassardjian, Corey Mikhals & Sarah Debord (Dennis Debord’s Daughter and Son in law), Rose Martin.

             IV. Vice President’s Report – Mark Hartnoll: vicepresident@idaho4x4.com

Current member count – 66 (counting Kathy Buzzini, a lifetime honorary member)

               V. Treasurer’s Report – Christian Dahlstrom: treasurer@idaho4x4.com

·         General Fund:  $9,576.03

·         Joe Aldape Land Use Fund:  $1200.00

·         Raffle Fund:  $3,855.93  ($413.00 made in tonight’s raffle.  Thank you, Dan & Marcy Sullivan!)

·         Last Month’s Raffle brought in $300.00.  (Thank you, Tony Eiguren!)

·         Grand Total:  $14,631.96

Questions have recently come up to council:  “IOR is sitting on an awful lot of money in their bank account.  What are your plans for use of it?”  Christian explained tonight to the Club, that we are saving to help possibly restore/maintenance of our Club adopted Trails or use for possible future land battles in court.  Both options are very possible.  A large portion of our monies go towards donations yearly to Blue Ribbon Coalition and IRC for your lands, these two are our major fight against land closures to our recreating areas.

             VI. Active and New Business

•     Club Membership Dues being accepted now until March 12th, after there will be a $10 late fee applied.  Club Member Dues are $30, New Member’s Dues $40 ($10 goes to the State Association).

•     Nominations for Club Council have begun, all positions are up for election.  Curt Blount has shown interest in the Vice President position.

•     Feb 29th, 4×4 Cleanup at Big Willow ORV Park (Payette area?).  Come play and pack out to the supplied Trailers on Site.  $5 donations towards junk tire removal appreciated.  Meet up at Blacks Bridge at 9:30am off Hwy 52.  Hosted by Treasure Valley Off Road (TVOR).

•     March 1st, Rocket Run Online Registration goes live! 

•     March 3rd, will be the next Rocket Run Planning Committee Meeting at 6pm, hosted by Ben Wicke & Jo Allison.  Please see Jo if you’d like to volunteer to help out at our event!

•     Idaho State 4×4 Club Meeting March 7th at Idaho Pizza Co. in Twin Falls.  (1859 Kimberly Rd, Twin Falls 83301)  In the past years the meeting usually starts at 1pm, A run usually takes place that same morning at about 8am gathering at the parking lot on the North side of the Perrine Bridge.

•     3 Club Run in Bruneau, hosted by Justin Simms & IOR, March 21st.  IOR will be providing meat for the BBQ.  We will meet at Jackson’s Gas Station on AirBase Rd in Mt Home, across from the Les Schwab.

•     2 Headed Dragon & Lost Trail Run CleanUp, March 28th, hosted by Nathan White.


           VII. EducationDan Sullivan:  spoke about Wheel’n Alone (since club members seem to be doing it lately and we need to stress do’s & don’ts again)  DON’T DO IT!  Most of the time there is no cell service, Let People know when to expect you back & what to do if you don’t make it back, know your limits, know when to turn around, Listen to your Wife, Watch for Road Hazards!

         VIII. Sunshine:  Ginny Simms:  sunshine@idaho4x4.com

·         Sherry Coble received Tumbleweed the Bull after slipping on some ice on her front steps, causing her to twist her ankle badly, scrapes and bruises.  She found out this week that she had indeed fractured a bone that has been pulling away from a ligament, causing continued pain and swelling.  She will be off of her feet for the next 4wks.  Carl the Carpel Tunnel Cobra was sent to Glenn Morgan to help him heal after having both hands go under surgery.  Two of our hopeful Rocket Run Sponsorship Companies had unexpected losses recently.  Please help show your condolences by signing a card for them.  

February Birthdays:  Michael Shroll (9th), Esther Flynn (11th), Micke Barnes (12th), Curt Blount (13th), Justin (17th) & Ginny (22nd) Simms, Ben Wills & Richard Scott (20th).  Shout out to Tallie Varnell for her Jan 27th 50th Birthday!!! 

•     WebMaster:  Micke Barnes:  webmaster@idaho4x4.com   

·         IOR Club Member 2020 Survey will be available for club members via our Website:  idaho4x4.com

·         Micke also requested info for Apple users to forward on any HAM learning programs/apps that are Apple friendly to share to Club Members wanting to study for their HAM tests.

             IX. Land Use – Christian Dahlstrom

·         OHV sticker requirements are changing for visitors on Idaho trail system. (Jeeps aren’t OHVs)

·         Orgeon:  https://store.oregonstateparks.org , call 1-800-551-6949 purchase with CC, or can be bought at D&B stores. ($10.00 lasts for 2 years)  (Jeeps do need this sticker in Oregon)

·         Idaho:  www.parksandrecreation.idaho.gov/activities/atv-motorbike , Dan’s Ferry Gas Station, or call 1-800-6332 to find vendor nearest you.  ($12.00) (Jeeps do not need this sticker)


               X. State Association:  Nathan White:

·         Idaho State 4×4 Association Meeting will be held March 7th in Twin Falls.  Meeting starts at 1pm at the Idaho Pizza Co (1859 Kimberly Rd, Twin Falls).

·         State Ride & Rally will be Hosted by HDOR on June 12th-14th this year.  This event will be held in the Mt. Home area.  Detail will be released as we get closer to the dates. 

             XI. Previous Events:

·         Jan 11th IRC Meeting.  2 club members attended.  Justin spoke about the Wilkes Brothers and bad Media coverage portraying them as land grabbing villains.  They have purchased land, closed it for survey then reopened it back to the public.  Media hasn’t really released the interviews after reopening land to public.  The brother’s biggest setbacks have been garbage on property, damage to surroundings and lots of squatters on their property.  IRC will be putting together a letter, thanking the Wilkes Brothers for their cooperation with the public.  A lot of their originally purchased land has been resold to private owners, to which, they may have to do the same to find out what they’ve purchased.

·         Jan 19th Snow Run led by Mark Hartnoll to Prairie area.  24 vehicles

·         Feb 1st Blacks Creek to Prairie run, hosted by Curt Blount.  12 vehicles attended

·         Feb 8th Atlanta Run, hosted by Christian Dahlstrom.  52 vehicles (split into 3 groups)

XIV. Trips & Trails:

January 2021:            



February 2021:  



March 2020:   Idaho State 4×4 Association Meeting March 7th 1pm at Idaho Pizza Co, Twin Falls

Rock/Trail:  21st 2 Headed Dragon/Lost Trail Clean Up (hosted by Nathan White)

Rock/Trail:  28th  Multi-Club Run in Bruneau w/IOR Club Sponsored BBQ (hosted by Justin & Ginny Simms)

April 2020: 25th 7th Annual Chuck Coble Memorial Rocket Run



May 2020:  16th Hwy CleanUp, Go Topless BBQ, Tech Inspection


Trial:  9th Snow Run at Warm Lake (hosted by Dan & Marcy Sullivan)

June 2020: June 12th-14th  HDOR Ride-n-Rally (Mt Home area)



July 2020:  18th Club BBQ hosted by Justin & Ginny Simms

4th of July Campout hosted by Glenn & Patti (Stanley area TBD)



August 2020:  15th CareyTown Run (hosted by Bill Hargreaves)                         



September 2020: 9-2 to 9-7 Labor Day Campout Pen Basin CG



October 2020:  3rd  Hwy CleanUp/Christian’s Oktoberfest


Trail:  31st  Idaho City/Miner’s Grave

November 2020:


Trail:  TBD HDOR Turkey Run

December 2020:





XV.   Upcoming Events – Ginny Simms/Lola Hartnoll

   IOR Christmas Party 2020 already determined.  Dec 12th, 2020 at the Riverside Hotel at 4pm(?).  Same room this year, plus a separate buffet room, close by, to give more room for tables.  Deposit has been paid.

•   Discovery Park Shelter reserved for May 16th BBQ, Tech Inspection & Topless Event to follow Hwy CleanUp. 

•   2023 IOR Ride & Rally at North Shore Resort/Campground.  Dan & Marcy Sullivan have began planning & talking with owners.

New Applicants Eligible for Vote: Tally Varnell (unanimous yes vote, we now have 67 members)

XVI.          Raffle:

Jan 2021:  Tony Eiguren                        Feb 2020:  Dan & Marcy Sullivan

Mar 2020:  Micke Barnes                        Apr 2020:  Rochelle & Louis Keller

May 2020:                                              Jun 2020:  Michael Shroll

Jul 2020:                                                Aug 2020:  Mark Bennett

Sept 2020:  Justin/Ginny Simms            Oct 2020: Chuck & Sharon Callahan

Nov 2020 : Rob & Brenda Robinson      Dec 2020:

XVII.      Next Meeting/Adjournment:

·         Council meeting:  March 5th, 2020-7pm at Smokey Mountain Pizza in Meridian on Fairview.

·         Club meeting:  March 12th, 2020-7pm at Idaho Pizza in Meridian on Fairview.

·         Adjourned meeting at:  8:17 pm