JULY-2019 Club Meeting Minutes
General Membership Meeting Agenda
July 11th, 2019 Called to Order at: 7:00pm
Idaho Off-Road 4×4 Club is an association of people brought together to share a single passion: Four Wheeling! We are a FAMILY oriented club dedicated to keeping our public lands open while practicing the policy of TREAD LIGHTLY!
Bell Of Shame: ____ “Yank Me” – Ginny Simms ___ “I'm Broke” Christian Dahlstrom
I. Call to order –Justin Simms: president@idaho4x4.com
II. Sergeant at Arms – Maintains order in the room. There is a $1 charge for unnecessary disruptions.
III. Roll call: Visitors: 9 Members: 19
Visitors: Klint & Lisa Breeding, Louis Keller (Rochelle & Chance), Ernest & Bernadette Underwood, David Hopkins (4 yr old Daughter Havah), Tom Cota, Wes & Amy Wiedner, Richard & Shelley Scott, Rodney McPhereson, , Rob & Brenda Robinson..
IV. Vice President’s Report – Mark Hartnoll: vicepresident@idaho4x4.com
Current member count – 51
V. Treasurer’s Report – Christian Dahlstrom: treasurer@idaho4x4.com
• General Fund: $12,968.86
• Joe Aldape Land Use Fund: $479.00 (half of raffle goes to land use fund until $1200 is reached)
• Raffle Fund: $4603.09 ($228.00 made in tonight’s raffle. Thank you, Ben & Jamie Wills!)
• Last Month’s Raffle brought in $278.00. (Thank you, Curt Blount!)
• Grand Total: $18,050.95
VI. Active and New Business
• July 21st Buck’s 4×4 1st Annual Tough Truck & BBQ Competition. (Twin Oaks Farms, Eagle 9am-7pm)
Tonight the Club elected to sponsor the IOR BBQ team by donating $250 towards entry & supplies. Justin encouraged IOR club members to come out and participate/attend event and show IOR support after Buck’s key sponsorship with the Rocket Run this year. It was mentioned that volunteers were needed for several of the events held at this.
• Wild West Off Road hosting Magruder Corridor Run Aug 2nd. Meet in Elk City on Aug 2nd.
• 2023 IOR Ride & Rally at North Shore Resort & RV park (at Warm Lake) planning underway.
VII. Education : Dan not in attendance. It was brought up that HAM info was needed: use, scheduling for testing.
VIII. Sunshine: Ginny Simms: sunshine@idaho4x4.com
• Lola’s Birthday is tomorrow, Mark Gamas is Sunday. Club sang to Mark, Lola’s birthday wasn’t known about until after the meeting……
• Deb Knapp is suffering from mod/severe back pain. She has low mobility without getting nauseas from the pain. Pain Dr is now recommending injections at the nerve endings to “numb” them and allow her to walk. Club delivered a card and some frozen meals to help out during her painful healing.
IX. WebMaster: Micke Barnes: webmaster@idaho4x4.com nothing new. Did mention that you can search on the website for HAM or Coms and it would pull up an interesting article on the reasoning behind why we use them.
X. Land Use – Christian Dahlstrom nothing new.
XI. State Association: Nathan White
• S.I.O.RA. unsure on how well they did for State Ride & Rally. State Association assured them they hosted an event not a money maker and the reasoning behind the event was to bring clubs together…..they did just that and a great job!
• Northern Idaho Club did come down and have a great time. They have not made a decision on joining the State Association yet, but are leaning towards a yes.
XII. Previous Events:
• SIORA hosted 2019 State Ride & Rally at Nat Soo Pah, Twin Falls. 3 members attended.
• June 30th Nathan White hosted a Rock Run. Multiple Clubs were in attendance: HDOR, WWOR, HBRK & IOR. Nathan spoke about the Rock trails beginning to get changed by SBS and ATV into roads by stacking rocks. Wanted to ask for compliance to unstack rocks after passing thru.
• July 4th-7th Park Creek Camp & Ride hosted by IOR. 20 members & family, 5 visitors attended. Great photography and memories made. Lots of delicious food and people to share it with!
XII . Trips & Trails:
January 2020:
Rock: Trail:
February 2020: 8th Atlanta Run (Christian Dahlstrom will host)
Rock: Trail:
March 2020: 28th Multi-Club Run in Bruneau
April 2020: 25th 7th Annual Chuck Coble Memorial Rocket Run
Rock: Trail:
May 2020: (TBD) Hwy CleanUp, Go Topless BBQ, Tech Inspection
Rock: Trial:
June 2020:
Rock: Trail:
July 2019: 21st Buck’s 4×4 1st Annual Tough Truck & BBQ Competition
Rock: Trail: 27th Idaho City Run (Christian Dahlstrom to host)
August 2019: 2nd WWOR hosting Magruder Corridor Run. Meet in Elk City Aug. 2nd-5th.
Rock: Trail: 29th-Sept 2nd Labor Day Campout Pen Basin CG (Lola & Mark Hartnoll will host)
September 2019:
Rock: Trail: (TBD) Poison Creek Run (Mark Hartnoll to host)
October 2019: 5th Fall Hwy CleanUp/Oktoberfest at Christian’s
Rock: Trail: (TBD) Idaho City/Miner’s Grave
November 2019:
Rock: Trail: 23rd HDOR Turkey Run
December 2019:
Rock: Trail:
XIII. Upcoming Events – Ginny Simms/Lola Hartnoll
• Begin planning for 7th Annual Chuck Coble Memorial Rocket Run this year.
• Oct 5th Hwy CleanUp equipment has been reserved and setup with ITD.
• 2019 IOR Christmas Party will be Dec 7th at Riverside Hotel.
• 2023 IOR Ride & Rally at North Shore Resort & RV park (Warm Lake) planning has begun. Dan & Marcy are getting more information for dates and cost preparation.
XIV. New Applicants Eligible for Vote: Tom Cota, Rodney McPhereson & Richard Scott were all voted into the club.
XV. Raffle:
Jan 2020: Tony Eiguren Feb 2020: Micke Barnes
Mar 2020: Dan & Marcy Sullivan Apr 2019: Ben Wicke & Jo Allison
May 2020: Jun 2020:
Jul 2020: Aug 2019: Mark Bennett
Sept 2019: Justin/Ginny Simms Oct 2019: John & Heather Knapp
Nov 2019: Dec 2019:
XVI. Next Meeting/Adjournmen
• Council meeting: Aug 1st, 2019-7pm at Smokey Mountain Pizza in Merdian on Fairview.
• Club meeting : Aug 8th, 2019-7pm at Idaho Pizza in Meridian on Fairview
• Adjourned meeting at: 8:09pm
*Raffle information:
1. The raffle is on a voluntary basis. If you volunteer to be responsible for the raffle one month it is your responsibility to purchase the raffle prizes, or ask businesses to donate to the raffle. You need to bring the raffle items to the meeting you volunteered for. You sell the raffle tickets at the meeting you are responsible for, or you can ask for help on selling the raffle tickets.
2. The reason behind the raffle is to build up the raffle fund to have a Christmas raffle that no one is responsible for.
3. Some of the raffle money also goes towards Toys for Tots each year.
4. We encourage every member to volunteer for a raffle. You can volunteer on your own, or make it a joint venture. Thank you in advance for considering volunteering for the raffle.