December 2020- Club Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting Agenda

December 10th, 2020    Zoom Virtual Club Meeting (1st ever!)  started at 7pm

Idaho Off-Road 4×4 Club is an association of people brought together to share a single passion: Four Wheeling! We are a FAMILY oriented club dedicated to keeping our public lands open while practicing the policy of TREAD LIGHTLY!

Bells Of Shame:  “Yank Me”  Mark Bennett  “Prank Me” Wes Weidner   “I'm Broke”  Christian Dahlstrom  

                  I. Call to order –Justin Simms:

                II. Sergeant at Arms – Maintains order in the room. There is a $1 charge for unnecessary disruptions.

             III. Roll call:  Members & Family:  24 members logged on

             Visitors: Mike & Cathy Greenwell 

               V. Vice President’s Report – Curt Blount:  not in attendance

Current member count – 59

             VI. Treasurer’s Report – Christian Dahlstrom:

·         General Fund:  $10,496.65

·         Joe Aldape Land Use Fund:  $1200.00

·         Raffle Fund:  $3,698.04

·         Grand Total:  $15,394.69

           VII. Active and New Business

       Our Christmas Tree Run on December 12th will meet at 9am at Emmett Albertson’s parking lot.  Bring an unwrapped gift for a boy or girl for Toys 4 Tots or donation for Marcy’s can.  There will be a chance to win prizes, hot cocoa, permits for those who have RSVPd for one, camp fire at a lunch spot!  Pack warm clothing, something to cut a tree, marker ribbon for tree and a lunch. 

•     It’s that time of year when we need to begin thinking of who you’d like to nominate for the 2021 IOR Council.  Justin & Ginny will be stepping down from all of their positions.

Nominations began:  President:  Patti Evans, Vice President:  Klint Breeding, Treasurer:  Christian Dahlstrom, Secretary:  Glenn Morgan.

•     Rocket Run Planning Committee will begin meeting in January 2021.  Leaning towards a Virtual meeting for this.


         VIII. Education :  Dan Sullivan: By now, everyone has seen the tragic video of the jeep tumbling down the side of a mountain.  Should we trust our Emergency Brakes?  Things to bring:  Reg Sized Shovel, shackles, tow strap without hooks, First aid kit, food/water, dry clothes/blankets/sleeping bags, gloves, jack, spare key, radio, tire chains.

             IX. Sunshine:  Ginny Simms:

•   Club sent a book about different jeep stories to Glenn Morgan, so he can keep his mind on the trail when he’s healing from a small non major procedure.

December Birthdays:  Patti Evans (9th), Shawn Hargreaves (11th), Martin Flynn (16th), Felicity Arnold (20th), Tom Cota (21st), Jane Knes (22nd), Mick Morlan (22nd), Deb Knapp (23rd), Steve Nebeker (23rd), Nora Nebeker (24th), Marlene Shields (30th), Leslie Bonney (31st), Steve Magstadt (31st).

IX.  WebMaster:  Micke Barnes: has purchased the zoom address that we are hosting the meeting on.  He has asked if the club would like to reimburse him, if they believe zoom meetings to be a success and will continue to use it in the future.

X.      Land Use – Christian Dahlstrom   Seasonal Closures:  anything north of Idaho City between there and Stanley (all roads off of Hwy 21 are closed and are now groomed snowmobile trails, off limits to 4×4 vehicles)

XI.    State Association:  Nathan White:GPS taking people thru private property, causing some disgruntled ranchers in the Owyhee areas.

XII. Previous Events:

·         No sanctioned IOR Club runs were held in November 2020.


XIVTrips & Trails:

January 2021:            TBD Snow Run


Trail:   9th Prairie, ID run hosted by Glenn Morgan

February 2021:  6th  Scenic Atlanta Run (hosted by Christian Dahlstrom)



March 2021:  

Rock/Trail:  27th  Multi-Club Run in Bruneau w/IOR Club Sponsored BBQ (hosted by Justin & Ginny Simms)

April 2021: 24th 7th Annual Chuck Coble Memorial Rocket Run



May 2021:  15th Hwy CleanUp, Go Topless BBQ, Tech Inspection


Trial:  8th Snow Run at Warm Lake (hosted by Dan & Marcy Sullivan)

June 2021: TBD State Ride-n-Rally



July 2021:

4th of July Campout June 25th to July 5th (Stanley? area TBD)



August 2021:                          



September 2021: 8-27 to 9-7-2021 Labor Day Campout Pen Basin CG



October 2021:  2nd   Hwy CleanUp/Christian’s Oktoberfest


Trail:  TBD Idaho City/Miner’s Grave

November 2021:


Trail:  TBD HDOR Turkey Run

December 2020:


Trail:  12th Club Christmas Tree Run



XV.           Upcoming Events – Ginny Simms/Patti Evans

·      IOR Christmas Tree Run December 12th


XVI.      New Applicants Eligible for Vote: Jim Kokaly, Tim/Jeannette Evans, Jim Miller/Bridget Aman.

No vote at tonight’s meeting, IOR members were invited to the very 1st Virtual IOR Club Meeting.  (2 visitors did attend via Zoom who were with Mark Bennett in Arizona.)

At next month’s Virtual Club Meeting, we will have guests or people close to a vote/ready for vote attend.  Club members voted via app to show favor for virtual voting for new members.

XVII.      Raffle:

Jan 2021:  Tony Eiguren                                  Feb 2021:  

Mar 2021: Chuck & Sharon Callahan             Apr 2021: 

May 2021:                                                        Jun 2021: 

Jul 2021:                                                                  Aug 2021:  Mark Bennett

Sept 2021:  Justin/Ginny Simms                       Oct 2021: 

Nov 2021 : Rob & Brenda Robinson                 Dec 2021: Michael Shroll

XVIII.   Next Meeting/Adjournment:

·            Council meeting:  January 7th, 2021-7pm via Virtual Meeting

·            Club meetingJanuary 14th, 2021– 7pm via Virtual Meeting

·            Adjourned meeting at: 8:18pm