FEB – 2019
General Membership Meeting Agenda
February 14th, 2019 Called to Order at: 7:02pm
Idaho Off-Road 4×4 Club is an association of people brought together to share a single passion: Four Wheeling! We are a FAMILY oriented club dedicated to keeping our public lands open while practicing the policy of TREAD LIGHTLY!
Bell Of Shame: ____ “Yank Me” – Kenyon Hess___ “I’m Broke” Christian Dahlstrom
I. Call to order –Justin Simms: president@idaho4x4.com
II. Sergeant at Arms – Maintains order in the room. There is a $1 charge for unnecessary disruptions.
III. Roll call: Visitors: 14 Members: 23
Visitors: Marshall Miller, Dylan Asay, Richard Scott, Nicole & Kenny Farlander, Micke Morelan, Jeff & Sheri Davidson, Michael Shroll, David Hopkins, Klint & Lisa Breeding, Roger Nelson & Amy Shearn.
IV. Vice President’s Report – vicepresident@idaho4x4.com
Current member count – 54 (after vote tonight 56)
V. Treasurer’s Report – JoAnna Allison: treasurer@idaho4x4.com
General Fund: $ 7429.66
Joe Aldape Land Use Fund: $1200.00
· Raffle Fund: $ 2838.52 ($552.00 came from tonight’s raffle, Thank You Glen Morgan & Patti Evans!!!)
· Grand Total: $ 10,268.18
VI. Active and New Business
•Nominations are coming for Council. Mark Hartnoll was nominated (by Dan Sullivan) for Vice President opening, Treasurer position had nomination of Christian Dahlstrom (by Lola Hartnoll & Marcy Sullivan).
•Club Membership Dues can be renewed from Jan 10th-March 14th. $10 fee will be added after Club meeting March 14th, dues will be taken until April 11th. Membership will end if dues have not been received “by” April 11th.
•Idaho State 4×4 Meeting March 2nd. Run morning of, meet by Perrine Bridge at 8am. Meeting will gather at 12pm. 1100 Blue Lakes Blvd N, Twin Falls 83301
· All Clubs Run March 30th. IOR will provide BBQ/Hamburgers/HotDogs/Buns.
•6th Annual Chuck Coble Rocket Run will be April 27th 2019. First planning meeting will be 17th of Jan at Justin and Ginny’s home at 7pm.
•May 18th, Hwy Clean Up/Go Topless BBQ/Tech Inspection.
•SIORA to host 2019 Ride & Rally in June 21st-23rd at Nat Soo Pah, Twin Falls.
•Need a Club Member to Host the Labor Day Campout at Pen Basin Campground. Marcy & Dan Sullivan would like a year off. Lola & Mark Hartnoll volunteered to host this campout.
VII. Education : Dan Sullivan spoke to the club about Trail Tools & Spare Parts.
http:/www.fourwheeler.com/ features/1812-trail-tools-to- make-your-life-easier-when- things-go-south
VIII. PR-Media and Sunshine:
Jamie Wills: public.relations@idaho4x4.com
Ginny Simms: sunshine@idaho4x4.com Club sent flowers to Marlene Shields, delivered flowers to Manny Turner in the hospital (due to virus attacking her lung muscles), sent get well card to Sherry Coble, Sympathy card to Curtis Blevins, Birthday Wishes sent to Curt Blount & Esther Flynn.
Please see Harvey for website issues and questions
IX. Land Use – Christian Dahlstrom spoke a little about the areas around Chemeketan/Salmon/Stanley that are being “reviewed”. Miner’s Grave is still closed, but he is hopeful that we will be able to run it in October. He did remind everyone to check the online maps provided by Idaho Recreation.
X. State Association: Nathan White
• Idaho State Meeting will be held March 2nd in Twin Falls. TV station @ 1100 Blue Lakes Blvd N. there is a run that morning: meet at 8am by Perrine Bridge. Meeting will gather at 12pm. State stickers will be available at meeting for clubs.
• 2020 Ride & Rally will be hosted by HDOR.
• Twin Falls has 2019 Ride & Rally June 21st-23rd at Nat Soo Pah Park just south of Twin Falls.
XI. Previous Events:
· Feb 2nd Atlanta Run. 40 rigs attended.
XII . Trips & Trails:
January 2020:
Rock: Trail:
February 2019:
Rock: Trail:
March 2019:
Rock/Trail: 30th All Clubs Run in Mt Home/Bruneau (IOR will provide Burgers/Dogs/BBQs/Buns)
April 2019:
Rock: Trail: Rocket Run27th
May 2019:
Rock: Trail: Hwy CleanUp, Go Topless BBQ, Tech Inspection18th
11th Warm Lake Run
June 2019:
Rock: Trail: 21st-23rdState Ride & Rally hosted by SIORA
July 2019:
Rock: Trail: 4th-8th(members+guests) Park Creek Camp & Ride (entire Campground is reserved)
August 2019:
Rock: Trail: 29th-Sept 2nd Labor Day Campout Pen Basin CG (Lola & Mark Hartnoll will host)
September 2019:
Rock: Trail:
October 2019:
Rock: Trail: Miner’s Grave 2019?
November 2019:
Rock: Trail: HDOR Turkey Run
December 2019:
Rock: Trail:
XII. Upcoming Events – Ginny Simms/Lola Hartnoll
Rocket Run Committee Meeting Feb 21st, Lola & Mark Hartnoll’s home at 7pm. Please contact Ginny to Volunteer to be on the planning committee.
Hwy Clean Up May 18th shelter at Discovery Park has already been reserved.
Already reserving the same banquet room at Riverside Hotel for Christmas Party 2019 Dec 7th.
XIII. New Applicants Eligible for Vote: Michael Shroll & Micke Morlan are up for vote, 95.5% yes vote for both. 56 members now.
XIV. Raffle:
Jan 2020: Tony Eiguren Feb 2020:
Mar 2019: Dan & Marcy Sullivan Apr 2019: Ben Wicke & Jo Allison
May 2019: Micke Barnes Jun 2019: Curt Blount
Jul 2019: Ben & Jamie Wills Aug 2019: Mark Bennett
Sept 2019: Justin/Ginny Simms Oct 2019:
Nov 2019: Dec 2019:
XV. Next Meeting/Adjournmen
· Next Council Meeting is March 7th at Smokey Mountain Pizza in Meridian.
· Club meeting :March 14th, 2019-7pm at Idaho Pizza in Meridian on Fairview
· Adjourned meeting at: 8:36pm