APR – 2019

General Membership Meeting Agenda

March 14th, 2019    Called to Order at:  7:03pm

Idaho Off-Road 4×4 Club is an association of people brought together to share a single passion: Four Wheeling! We are a FAMILY oriented club dedicated to keeping our public lands open while practicing the policy of TREAD LIGHTLY!

Bell Of Shame:  ____ “Yank Me” –  Micke Barnes  ___      “I’m Broke”  Christian Dahlstrom

I. Call to order –Justin Simms:  president@idaho4x4.com

II. Sergeant at Arms – Maintains order in the room. There is a $1 charge for unnecessary disruptions.

III. Roll call:  Visitors: 11 Members:  23

Visitors:  Wes & Amy Weidner, Marshall Miller, Robert LaMont, Jeff & Sheri Davidson + their daughter, David Hopkins, Ernest Underwood, Tom Cota, Richard (Rich, his wife and 3 kids) Garcia, Scott “Blue” Butterfield, Rod McPherson, Rick Grant.

IV. Vice President’s Report – vicepresident@idaho4x4.com

Current member count – 51 (Club Member Craig Eldridge passed away 3-31-19 from a battle with Kidney Cancer.  His family will spread his ashes in the Boise National Forest this Summer)

V. Treasurer’s Report – Christian Dahlstrom: treasurer@idaho4x4.com

·         General Fund:  $ 8374.02

·         Joe Aldape Land Use Fund:  $1200.00

·         Raffle Fund:  $  3575.03 ($289.00 came from tonight’s raffle, Thank You Ben Wicke & Jo Allison!!!)

·         Grand Total:  $  13,149.05

(totals include:  State & Member dues, 4Wheel Parts refund Chk, Rocket Run Sponsorship $ & Food for All Clubs Run)

VI. Active and New Business

·         Club Money for Rocket Run Raffle.  Club voted to approve Rocket Run Committee to spend an $1500 towards the Raffle prizes for our event.

·         6th Annual Chuck Coble Rocket Run will be April 27th 2019.  Register at http://rocketrun.idaho4x4.com

·         SIORA to host 2019 Ride & Rally in June 21st-23rd at Nat Soo Pah, Twin Falls.

·         Wild West Off Road hosting Magruder Corridor Run Aug 2nd.  Meet in Elk City on Aug 2nd.


VII. Education :  Dan Sullivan spoke to the club about Snow Run Coming up May 11th and Tech inspection May 18th.  (speaker Sandra Mitchell did not show up tonight to speak to our Club.  Donation Check will be sent to Sandra)

VIII. Sunshine:

·         Ginny Simms:  sunshine@idaho4x4.com   Club sent Felix the Foot Flamingo to Ray Turner to help cheer him up after a nasty fall, breaking his left foot in 3 places.  Club sent Baby Amazon Gift Card to Ricardo & Guadalupe Cortes for the birth of their 3rd son, Ricky Allen.  Club sent Sheldon the Shoulder Shark to Dave Simmons, who had his 4th surgery on his shoulder 4-09-19.

·         Please see Micke for website issues and questions.

IX. Land Use – Christian Dahlstrom spoke about Closure of Shaw Mt Road due to run off erosion.  Wilderness Studies Near Stanley.  Locked & Loaded (Baker City, OR club) used a group called FAFA to win a case, which was going to restrict public/wilderness land use.

X. State Association:  Nathan White not in attendance.

•           What do you expect/Want from the State Association?  It’s ultimately our association, so do members want Grants?  Runs? Events?  More specific land use?

•   There is some Federal Grant money that we can use for trail maintenance.  They are kicking around ideas, like maybe fixing all the side by side bypasses on Tiddie Springs & Lost Trail.

•   The 2nd date for Salmon/Challis/Frank Church Expansion comment period has not been set yet, but should be soon.

•   Ride & Rally:   helmets will be required for Barrel Racing, Thursday night on-site check in if people are there, $50 for registration includes two dinners and one shirt, extra stuff can be purchased online (like the Rocket Run), $60 for non State Association members, but that extra $10 buys them their membership.

•   North Idaho Trailblazers are looking at joining the State Association.  They used to be part of PNW but recently left;  have 45 members in their club.  They sound very organized and active and would be great to get into the Association.  A group of 10-12 will be coming down to recreate with us in May, so be on the lookout.

•   Danskin Closure


XI. Previous Events:

·         March 16th 2 Headed Dragon & Lost Trail Run, 38 vehicles attended.  (24 on Lost Trail, 11 on 2 Headed Dragon & 3 on Soldier’s Cap).

·         All Clubs Run March 30th, had 71 vehicles attend.  (12 on Scenic, 31 on Hooker Canyon, 18 on Diff Hanger, & 10 on Gauntlet.)

XII .     Trips & Trails:

January 2020: 

Rock:                                      Trail:

February 2020:

Rock:                                       Trail:

March 2020:                          Trail:

Rock/Trail: 28th All Clubs Run in Mt Home/Bruneau (IOR will provide Burgers/Dogs/BBQs/Buns)

April 2019:

Rock:                                       Trail:  Rocket Run 27th

May 2019:

Rock:                                       Trail: Hwy CleanUp, Go Topless BBQ, Tech Inspection 18th

11th Warm Lake Run (Members only + invited guests)

June 2019: 

Rock:                                      Trail: 21st-23rd State Ride & Rally hosted by SIORA

July 2019:

Rock:                                      Trail:  4th-8th (members+guests) Park Creek Camp & Ride (entire Campground is reserved)

August 2019:                          2nd WWOR hosting Magruder Corridor Run.   Meet in Elk City Aug. 2nd-5th.

Rock:                                      Trail:  29th-Sept 2nd Labor Day Campout Pen Basin CG (Lola & Mark Hartnoll will host)

September 2019:

Rock:                                      Trail:

October 2019:  Fall Hwy Clean Up/Oktoberfest Party at Christian’s

Rock:                                       Trail:  Miner’s Grave 2019?

November 2019:

Rock:                                      Trail:  HDOR Turkey Run 23rd

December 2019:

Rock:                                      Trail:

XII.  Upcoming Events – Ginny Simms/Lola Hartnoll

·         Rocket Run Committee Meeting April 17th, Glenn & Patti’s home at 7pm.

·         Hwy Clean Up May 18th shelter at Discovery Park has already been reserved.

·         Already reserving the same banquet room at Riverside Hotel for Christmas Party 2019 Dec 7th.

XIII. New Applicants Eligible for Vote: no applicants up for a vote.

         XIV.  Raffle:

Jan 2020:  Tony Eiguren                        Feb 2020:

Mar 2020:                                              Apr 2019:  Ben Wicke & Jo Allison

May 2019:  Micke Barnes                      June 2019:  Curt Blount

July 2019:   Ben & Jamie Wills                  Aug 2019:  Mark Bennett

Sept 2019:  Justin/Ginny Simms            Oct 2019:

Nov 2019:                                               Dec 2019:

  XV. Next Meeting/Adjournment

·         Council meeting:  May 2nd, 7pm at Smokey Mt Pizza in Meridian

·         Club meeting :May 9th, 2019-7pm at Idaho Pizza in Meridian on Fairview

·         Adjourned meeting at:  8:13pm