October 2020- Club Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting Agenda

October 8th, 2020 @ 7:08pm Hosted at Michael & Holly Shroll’s Home

Idaho Off-Road 4×4 Club is an association of people brought together to share a single passion: Four Wheeling! We are a FAMILY oriented club dedicated to keeping our public lands open while practicing the policy of TREAD LIGHTLY!

Bells Of Shame:  “Yank Me”  Mark Bennett  “Prank Me” Klint Breeding   “I’m Broke”  Christian Dahlstrom  

                  I. Call to order –Justin Simms:  president@idaho4x4.com

                II. Sergeant at Arms – Maintains order in the room. There is a $1 charge for unnecessary disruptions.

             III. Roll call:  Members & Family:  19 w/a total of 13 members able to vote.  This is the most members we’ve had together at a meeting a quite awhile, club voted that was enough for a quorum this evening.

             IV. Visitors:  Tim & Jeannette Adams, Jim & Bridget Miller, Sara Debord (wife of Cory Mikhals, daughter of Dennis) & daughter Taylor? & Dan Bonney.

               V. Vice President’s Report – Curt Blount: vicepresident@idaho4x4.com

Current member count – 57
·         Mick Morlan Donated $5 to hand the Prank Me Bell to Klint Breeding.

             VI. Treasurer’s Report – Christian Dahlstrom: treasurer@idaho4x4.com

·         General Fund:  $9,960.68

·         Joe Aldape Land Use Fund:  $1200.00

·         Raffle Fund:  $4,108.93

·         Grand Total:  $15,269.61

           VII. Active and New Business

•      Club Christmas Event has been cancelled.  We will be having a Club Christmas Tree Run December 12th as a way for a smaller group to gather.  Club is looking into the purchase of the permits and coordinating a run in Emmett area for a fun Holiday Themed Run.

•     Should the Club move forward with gathering the Toy’s 4 Tots funds from our Raffle earnings from the year?  IOR annually has donated 10% of our Raffle earnings to this Charity and would like feedback/vote.  Club voted unanimous yes vote to donate the normal 10% to Toys4Tots this year.

•       Oct 31st  Idaho City/Halloween Miner’s Grave Run.  Run hosted by Christian Dahlstrom. (Dress up your rig) 8:30am Breakfast at Trudy’s in Idaho City.  9am at Albertson’s on Hwy 21 & Federal Way.  10am at Idaho City HS Football Field.

·         HDOR is hosting the Turkey Run Nov 21st at 8am.  It will be held more like a traditional run, not an official organized event.  Coffee & Doughnuts in the morning and a lunch served between 11am-2pm courtesy of HDOR.  There is a cap of 180, please RSVP on their Facebook page/event for a headcount and food purchase.

·         Idaho Pizza is not allowing for Club meetings until next year.  If you’d like to volunteer your home/barn/garage for winter meetings please let Justin or Ginny know.  Thank you, for your participation and patience during all of this!

·         A topic brought up tonight during the education discussion, “Who would like to learn CPR?”  If you are interested please contact Marcy Sullivan to get you name on a list to participate in a CPR course. 

·         President Justin Simms announced that the Rocket Run Planning Committee would start up at the end of Jan 2021.  He also mentioned we would have to play things by ear, while the COVID 19 situation plays itself out.


         VIII. Education :  Dan Sullivan: First Aid Kits & what to have in them.  The talk was lead by Marcy Sullivan tonight.  The biggest point she made was pack what you’re able to use with the training you have.  If you don’t know how to apply a sutures or butterfly adhesive strips, you may not want to pack your kit with things like this.  Good Samaritan Law protects a first aid provider “up to” what you’ve been trained to do.  If you have had training to place a cervical collar, have one in your kit, but if not you may be at risk of causing more injuries by placing one improperly.  Marcy made it very clear to clean a wound very well before covering it with a bandage.  Maybe having bottles of water, Hydrogen Peroxide 3% in a spray bottle packed in your kit would be just easy enough to help prevent infection.  The main point she made was “if its in your kit, you should know how to use it.”  Keep in mind, there are others out with you who are trained to use things you may not.  Access who has the training and get them in charge.

             IX. Sunshine:  Ginny Simms:  sunshine@idaho4x4.com

•    Club sent a book for Rodney McPherson to read, while having testing and medical treatment (unknown details at this time).  Previously an IOR member John Turnbull is in Seattle awaiting a Bone Marrow transplant.  Ray Turner just had his 3rd surgery on his foot after breaking it last December 2019.

October Birthdays:  Holly Shroll (2nd), Crystal Coble (7th), Larry Marks (8th), Manny Turner (10th), Sherry Coble (16th), Dianna Magstadt (17th).

IX.  WebMaster:  Micke Barnes:  webmaster@idaho4x4.com  Not in attendance

X.      Land Use – Christian Dahlstrom   Not in Attendance.  Land Closures at Grimes Creek and soon to be Kirkham Hot Springs.

XI.    State Association:  Nathan White:  Not in Attendance

XII. Previous Events:

·            Fall Highway Clean Up & Christian’s Oktoberfest Celebration.  20 volunteers at the Clean Up and 8 attended the Celebration.  Thank you to those that helped collect 20 bags of garbage this year!!!


XIVTrips & Trails:

January 2021:            



February 2021:  6th  Scenic Atlanta Run (hosted by Christian Dahlstrom)



March 2021:  

Rock/Trail:  27th  Multi-Club Run in Bruneau w/IOR Club Sponsored BBQ (hosted by Justin & Ginny Simms)

April 2021: 24th 7th Annual Chuck Coble Memorial Rocket Run



May 2021:  15th Hwy CleanUp, Go Topless BBQ, Tech Inspection


Trial:  8th Snow Run at Warm Lake (hosted by Dan & Marcy Sullivan)

June 2021: TBD State Ride-n-Rally



July 2021:

4th of July Campout June 25th to July 5th (Stanley? area TBD)



August 2021:                          



September 2021: 8-27 to 9-7-2021 Labor Day Campout Pen Basin CG



October 2020:  (2021 10-2-21)  Hwy CleanUp/Christian’s Oktoberfest


Trail:  31st  Idaho City/Miner’s Grave

November 2020:


Trail:  21st  HDOR Turkey Run

December 2020:


Trail:  12th Club Christmas Tree Run



XV.           Upcoming Events – Ginny Simms/Patti Evans

·      IOR Christmas Tree Run December 12th


XVI.      New Applicants Eligible for Vote: Dan Bonney, Jim Kokaly, TJ Freeman, Rose Martin, Cory Mikhals.

Tonight, we gathered 13 eligible voting members.  Club voted it would be a quorum for voting on eligible applicants.  There was a vote for:  Dan Bonney (unanimous yes vote) and Cory Mikhals (wife Sara Debord in attendance for his vote, unanimous yes vote).

IOR now has 57 members.

XVII.      Raffle:

Jan 2021:  Tony Eiguren                                  Feb 2021:  

Mar 2021: Chuck & Sharon Callahan             Apr 2021: 

May 2021:                                                        Jun 2021: 

Jul 2021:                                                                  Aug 2021:  Mark Bennett

Sept 2021:  Justin/Ginny Simms                       Oct 2021: 

Nov 2020 : Rob & Brenda Robinson                 Dec 2020: Michael Shroll

XVIII.   Next Meeting/Adjournment:

·            Council meeting:  November 5th , 2020-7pm via Virtual Meeting

·            Club meeting:  November 12th, 2020- 7pm at TBD

·            Adjourned meeting at: 8:08pm