July 2020- Club Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting Agenda

                                                July 9th, 2020    Called to Order at:  7:04pm

Idaho Off-Road 4×4 Club is an association of people brought together to share a single passion: Four Wheeling! We are a FAMILY oriented club dedicated to keeping our public lands open while practicing the policy of TREAD LIGHTLY!

Bells Of Shame:  “Yank Me”  Justin Simms  “Prank Me” Glenn Morgan   “I'm Broke”  Christian Dahlstrom  

                  I. Call to order –Justin Simms:  president@idaho4x4.com

                II. Sergeant at Arms – Maintains order in the room. There is a $1 charge for unnecessary disruptions.

             III. Roll call:  Members & Family:  25 

             IV. Visitors:  None in attendance due to:  ****Phase 3 during COVID 19 limited our gatherings****

               V. Vice President’s Report – Curt Blount: vicepresident@idaho4x4.com

Current member count – 55

             VI. Treasurer’s Report – Christian Dahlstrom: treasurer@idaho4x4.com

(June’s numbers, Christian was not in attendance)

·         General Fund:  $10,250.99

·         Joe Aldape Land Use Fund:  $1200.00

·         Raffle Fund:  $4108.93

·         Grand Total:  $15,559.92

           VII. Active and New Business

     Council voted to Indefinitely Postpone the Club BBQ that was going to happen July 18th. 

•     Adopted Hwy Clean Up Program.  The highway department sent out an email stating the program is back up and running.  They are now asking that the groups elect several dates for hopeful cleanups, as they are limiting equipment and laundering all the vests between use.  Our Council has decided to stick with our Fall Clean Up Date.

•     Email has been sent to Event Coordinator at Riverside Hotel reg Club Christmas Party.  No response as of yet, they are on forced furlough at this time. 

•     August 15th Carey Town Run, hosted by Bill Hargreaves.  Meet up at Boise Albertson’s on Federal Way/Gowen at 7:30am.  9:30am meet up in Fairfield.  Will be on Forest Service Road 227.

•     Labor Day Campout September 2nd-7th at Pen Basin Campground, hosted by Justin & Ginny Simms.  We will need someone to go up a week in advance to establish camp and hold enough space for our group.  Glenn Morgan/Patti Evans, Dan & Marcy Sullivan will go up the week before to get camp started.                                                                        

         VIII. EducationDan Sullivan: Spoke about Summer Preparedness. 

·         Pack a blanket, extra water, maybe a sleeping bag, the top for the Jeep (in case of storms), HAM radio.

             IX. Sunshine:  Ginny Simms:  sunshine@idaho4x4.com

•   Shoulder Sheep sent to Sherry Coble, she had shoulder surgery June 19th.  Neck Narwhal sent to Kathy Buzzini, she had neck surgery June 29th.  Sent a little something to help Lola Hartnoll celebrate her 60th birthday!  Jeff & Sheri Davidson renewed their vows July 3rd, Congrats on your 25th Anniversary! 

•   IOR Sunshine Checks:  Is there a club member that needs help or checked in on?

July Birthdays:  Addy Jensen (9th), Lola Hartnoll (12th), Kathryn Aldape (12th), Mark Gamas (14th) & Mark Hartnoll (28th).

IX.  WebMaster:  Micke Barnes:  webmaster@idaho4x4.com  not in attendance

·         No New Updates

X.      Land Use – Christian Dahlstrom

·         Not in Attendance

XI.    State Association:  Nathan White:  Nothing in Attendance

XII. Previous Events:

·         June 20th 2 Headed Dragon & Lost Trail Clean Up Runs, hosted by Nathan White.   9 vehicles attended.

·         June 25th-July 6th  4th of July Club Campout, Hosted by Glenn Morgan & Patti Evans.  Was a complete success!

XIV. Trips & Trails:

January 2021:            



February 2021:  



March 2021:  

Rock/Trail:  27th  Multi-Club Run in Bruneau w/IOR Club Sponsored BBQ (hosted by Justin & Ginny Simms)

April 2021: 24th 7th Annual Chuck Coble Memorial Rocket Run



May 2021:  TBD Hwy CleanUp, Go Topless BBQ, Tech Inspection


Trial:  TBD Snow Run at Warm Lake (hosted by Dan & Marcy Sullivan)

June 2021: TBD State Ride-n-Rally



July 2021:

4th of July Campout (Stanley? area TBD)



August 2020:  15th CareyTown Run (hosted by Bill Hargreaves)                         



September 2020: 9-2 to 9-7 Labor Day Campout Pen Basin CG



October 2020:  3rd  Hwy CleanUp/Christian’s Oktoberfest


Trail:  31st  Idaho City/Miner’s Grave

November 2020:


Trail:  TBD HDOR Turkey Run

December 2020:





XV.           Upcoming Events – Ginny Simms/Patti Evans

•  IOR Christmas Party 2020 already determined.  Dec 12th, 2020 at the Riverside Hotel.   

XVI.      New Applicants Eligible for Vote: no visitors to vote on this evening.  Will hold off on voting new members until we are in Phase 4.

XVII.      Raffle:

Jan 2021:  Tony Eiguren                                        Feb 2021:  

Mar 2021:                                                              Apr 2021: 

May 2021:                                                              Jun 2021: 

Jul 2021:                                                                Aug 2020:  Mark Bennett

Sept 2020:  Justin/Ginny Simms                            Oct 2020: Chuck & Sharon Callahan

Nov 2020 : Rob & Brenda Robinson                                      Dec 2020: Michael Shroll

XVIII.   Next Meeting/Adjournment:

·            Council meeting:  August 6th , 2020-7pm at TBD

·            Club meeting:  August 13th , 2020-7pm at Jon & Heather Knapp’s Home?

·            Adjourned meeting at:  8:08 pm