September-2019 Council Meeting Minutes

Call to Order/Roll Call:                At:  7:00pm

In Attendance:  President: Justin Simms, Vice President/Trail Run Coordinator:  Mark Hartnoll, Event Planner:  Lola Hartnoll, Web Guru:  Micke Barnes, Education/Safety:  Dan Sullivan

Guests:  Marcy Sullivan.

1.        New member votes for this month : Mark

Current Member Count:  57

Applicants up for Vote :  Klint Breeding

2.       Current Financial Status:  Christian not in attendance

                     General Fund: $

                     Joe Aldape Land Use Fund: $

                     Raffle Fund: $

     Last months Raffle brought in $383.00.  (Thank You, Mark Bennett!)         

     Grand Total: $

3.       Education Presentation:  Dan=  Locker Talk.  On our campout over labor day weekend, we had a couple of vehicles that were very capable of getting thru a couple spots.  With the proper Locker use, there wouldn’t have been any challenges.

4.        Land Use –   Christian= not in attendance.

5.       State Association :  Nathan=  not in attendance, but emailed a reminder about the Wild West Offroaders’ Tuff Truck Challenge.  September 21st 9am at Optimist Park (N 23rd W St, Mt Home)  Spectators Entry $10 adults, $5 for kids 6-17.

6.       Web Master:  Micke= Website is working well, no intrusions, and low traffic.  Still trying to coordinate with Christian to have spreadsheet shared on Google Docs with Vice President Mark Hartnoll.

7.       Sunshine: Ginny:  Marcy Sullivan & Bit (Caitlyn Gamas), John Knapp & Glenn Morgan all had birthdays within this last month.  Curt is feeling better, able to walk about a half mile, but still feels pretty weak.  He is trying to make it to this month’s Club meeting.  Michael Hasslbauer had surgery, 9-5-19, on his knee due to a torn meniscus (no weight bearing for a couple of weeks).

8.       Active & New Business:

·               Sept 21st Poison Creek Run will be hosted by Micke Barnes.

·               Sept 21st Wild West Offroaders’ Tuff Truck Challenge 9am, Optimist Park Mt Home.

·               Online Registration has opened for High Desert Off Road’s Turkey Run Event 11-23-19.

·               Fall Hwy CleanUp/Oktoberfest Celebration 10-5-19.

·               Need to start Rocket Run Committee Meetings.  10-8-19 Dan & Marcy Sullivan’s home.

9.       Previous Events:    

·               Labor Day Campout at Pen Basin Campground Aug. 29th-Sept 2nd

Members/Family:  26 attended, Guests:  8 attended, Dogs:  15 attended.


“Yank Me” –   Ginny Simms                            “I’m Broke” – Christian Dahlstrom

10.   Trips and Trails:

Jan 2020                                                               Feb 2020             

Rock:                                                                     Rock:

Trail:                                                                      Trail: 8th Atlanta Run (Christian to host)   

March 2020                                                         April 2020

Rock:                                                                     Rock:

Trail: 28th  Multi-Club Run Bruneau             Trail:  25th   7th Annual Chuck Coble Rocket Run Event

May 2020                                                             June 2020

Rock:                                                                     Rock:

Trail: (TBD) Hwy Clean Up/Go Topless BBQ/Tech Insp Trail:

July 2020:                                                             Aug 2019:  2nd WWOR hosting Magruder Corridor Run

Rock:                                                                     Rock: 

Trail:                                                                      Trail:  8-29th to 9-2nd Labor Day Campout at Pen Basin CG

Sept 2019 (2020 9-3 to 9-7 Labor Day Campout)     Oct 2019  5th Hwy CleanUp/Oktoberfest at Christian’s  

Rock:                                                                     Rock:

Trail: 21st Poison/Succor Crk Run (Mark H)       Trail:  26th  Idaho City (Miner’s Grave?)

Nov 2019                                                              Dec 2019

Rock:                                                                 Rock:

Trail: 23rd  HDOR Turkey Run                       Trail: 

11.   Upcoming Events: Event planning committee: Ginny Simms & Lola Hartnoll

·         Begin Rocket Run Planning this year.  10-8-19 at Dan & Marcy’s home.

·         Oct 5th 2019 Hwy CleanUp equipment has been reserved/requested .

·         IOR 2019 Christmas Party Dec 7th (deposit has been made).

·         2023 IOR Ride & Rally at North Shore Resort/Campground (Warm Lake, ID).  Dan & Marcy Sullivan have began planning & talking with owners.

12.   Raffle:

Jan 2020:  Tony Eiguren                               Feb 2020:  Micke Barnes

March 2020: Dan & Marcy Sullivan           April 2020:

May 2020:                                                      June 2020: 

July 2020:                                                       Aug 2020: Mark Bennett

Sept 2019:  Justin & Ginny Simms              Oct 2019:  John & Heather Knapp

Nov 2019:   Rob & Brenda Robinson         Dec 2019: 

13.    Next Meeting:

                Club Meeting –Thursday, Sept 12th – 7:00pm Idaho Pizza Company, Meridian

                Council Meeting – Thursday, Oct 3rd– 7:00 pm, Smokey Mt Pizza Co, Meridian

14.    Adjournment:  7:59 pm