September-2019 Club Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting Agenda
September 12, 2019    Called to Order at:  7:02pm
Idaho Off-Road 4×4 Club is an association of people brought together to share a single passion: Four Wheeling! We are a FAMILY oriented club dedicated to keeping our public lands open while practicing the policy of TREAD LIGHTLY!
Bell Of Shame:  ____ “Yank Me” –  Ginny Simms  ___      “I'm Broke”  Christian Dahlstrom  
I. Call to order –Justin Simms:
II. Sergeant at Arms – Maintains order in the room. There is a $1 charge for unnecessary disruptions.
III. Roll call:  Visitors: 12     Members:  24
Visitors:  Wes & Amy Weidner, Bill & Natalie Varnell, Jim Kokley, Ernest Underwood, Robert Lamont, Jeff Palmer, Rose Martin, Klint & Lisa Breeding, Zack Nichols   
IV. Vice President’s Report – Mark Hartnoll: 
Current member count – 57
V. Treasurer’s Report – Christian Dahlstrom: 
General Fund:  $13,050.90
Joe Aldape Land Use Fund:  $401.50  (half of raffle goes to land use fund until $1200 is reached)
Raffle Fund:  $4820.36 ($352.00 made in tonight’s raffle.  Thank you, Ginny & Justin Simms!)
Last Month’s Raffle brought in $383.00.  (Thank you, Mark Bennett!)
Grand Total:  $18,272.76
VI. Active and New Business 
Sept 21st Poison/Succor Creek Run hosted by Micke Barnes.  Test drove run and things could get very muddy, will wait to see if weather provides us the ability to travel this trail without damaging it.
Sept 21st Wild West Offroaders’ Tuff Truck Challenge 9am at Optimist park (Mt Home).  Spectator fee:  Adult:  $10, Kids:  $5 (6-17yrs old)
Online Registration has opened for High Desert Off Road’s Turkey Run, November 23rd.
Fall Hwy CleanUp/Oktoberfest Celebration October 5th.  Meet at 10am Albertson’s on Federal Way/Gowen.
First Rocket Run Committee Meeting will be October 8th at Dan & Marcy’s home.
VII. Education :  Dan spoke to the club about Locker Talk.
Positraction:  differentials are designed with clutch plates that enable independent axle rotation when the vehicle is turning or when a wheel is slipping. Positraction units prevent loss of traction by sending power to both driven wheels. … A slipping wheel loses power with the conventional rear end design.
Limited Slip Differential:  can take power away from a wheel that is losing traction and give more power to other wheels with traction, this helps prevent too much wear on the tires.
Spool Differential:  is a device that connects the two axles directly to the ring gear. There is no differentiation side to side, so a vehicle equipped with a spool will bark tires in turns and may become unmanageable in wet or snowy weather. Spools are usually reserved for competition vehicles not driven on the street.
Locker:  is designed to “lock” both wheels of the same axle together so they both move at the same speed with the same amount of force. Without a locker it would be difficult to do any rock crawling due to there would almost never be an even amount of traction.  (it is best to air down when using lockers to help aid in grab/traction)
VIII. Sunshine:  Ginny Simms:
Marcy Sullivan & Bit (Caitlyn Gamas), John Knapp & Glenn Morgan all had birthdays within this last month.  Curt is feeling better (he was at the meeting tonight), able to walk about a half mile, but still feels pretty weak.  He was able to drive himself to the meeting. Michael Hasslbauer had surgery, 9-5-19, on his knee due to a torn meniscus (no weight bearing for a couple of weeks).  Michael will be presented with Monty, the Meniscus Mule.  Also, 2 days prior to Michael having his knee surgery, his wife fell off a horse and broke 7 ribs and punctured a lung.  Tina is recovering by taking great care of Michael, Rita, the Rib Rhino is making her way to their home for a visit.  Steve Magstadt continues to have problems with his foot.  
IX. WebMaster:  Micke Barnes:    Website is doing well.  Nothing more to add.
X. Land Use – Christian Dahlstrom nothing new.
XI. State Association:  Nathan White: not in attendance tonight.
XII. Previous Events:
Labor Day Campout at Pen Basin Campground Aug. 29th-Sept 2nd
Members/Family:  26 attended, Guests:  8 attended, Dogs:  15 attended.
XII . Trips & Trails:
January 2020:             
Rock:  Trail:
February 2020:           8th  Atlanta Run (Christian Dahlstrom will host)
Rock: Trail: 
March 2020:                28th  Multi-Club Run in Bruneau
April 2020:                  25th 7th Annual Chuck Coble Memorial Rocket Run
Rock: Trail:  
May 2020:                   (TBD) Hwy CleanUp, Go Topless BBQ, Tech Inspection
Rock: Trial:
June 2020:  
Rock: Trail: 
July 2020:  
Rock:  Trail: 
August 2019:                          
Rock:  Trail:  29th-Sept 2nd Labor Day Campout Pen Basin CG (Lola & Mark Hartnoll will host)
September 2019:
Rock:  Trail: 21st Succor/Poison Creek Run (Micke Barnes to host)
October 2019:             5th Fall Hwy CleanUp/Oktoberfest at Christian’s 
Rock: Trail:  26th Idaho City/Miner’s Grave
November 2019:
Rock:  Trail:  23rd HDOR Turkey Run
December 2019:
Rock: Trail:  
XIII.  Upcoming Events – Ginny Simms/Lola Hartnoll
Begin planning for 7th Annual Chuck Coble Memorial Rocket Run this year.  First official Committee meeting will be at Dan & Marcy Sullivan’s home, Oct 8th.
Oct 5th Hwy CleanUp equipment has been reserved and setup with ITD.
2019 IOR Christmas Party will be Dec 7th at Riverside Hotel.
2023 IOR Ride & Rally at North Shore Resort & RV park (Warm Lake) planning has begun.  Dan & Marcy are getting more information for dates and cost preparation.
XIV. New Applicants Eligible for Vote: Klint & Lisa Breeding were voted into the club unanimous yes votes for all.
We now have 58 club members.
XV.  Raffle:
Jan 2020:  Tony Eiguren Feb 2020:  Micke Barnes
Mar 2020:  Dan & Marcy Sullivan Apr 2020:  
May 2020:  Jun 2020:  Michael Shroll
Jul 2020:    Aug 2020:  Mark Bennett
Sept 2020:  Justin/Ginny Simms Oct 2019:  Jon & Heather Knapp
Nov 2019: Brenda & Rob Robinson      Dec 2019: Christian Dahlstrom
XVI. Next Meeting/Adjournment
Council meeting:  October 3rd, 2019-7pm at Smokey Mountain Pizza in Merdian on Fairview.
Club meeting :  October 10th, 2019-7pm at Idaho Pizza in Meridian on Fairview
Adjourned meeting at:  8:10 pm
*Raffle information:
1. The raffle is on a voluntary basis. If you volunteer to be responsible for the raffle one month it is your responsibility to purchase the raffle prizes, or ask businesses to donate to the raffle. You need to bring the raffle items to the meeting you volunteered for. You sell the raffle tickets at the meeting you are responsible for, or you can ask for help on selling the raffle tickets. 
2. The reason behind the raffle is to build up the raffle fund to have a Christmas raffle that no one is responsible for. 
3. Some of the raffle money also goes towards Toys for Tots each year.
4. We encourage every member to volunteer for a raffle. You can volunteer on your own, or make it a joint venture. Thank you in advance for considering volunteering for the raffle.